
The Thanksgiving holiday descends upon America this week. Beyond eating and drinking our fill, it is also supposed to be an occasion to reflect on that for which we are thankful and—ideally—openly express our gratitude towards those for whom we are thankful.

Being grateful is good, but letting others know you are grateful by conveying your gratitude is better.

The expression “attitude of gratitude” seems to have become and overused cliché. Yet it is nevertheless something that really good teammates have. They are genuinely grateful and don’t hesitate to convey their appreciation.

In this spirit, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your continued interest in the Be A Good Teammate project.

Every time you open an email from us, click on our website, share our Facebook post, or retweet something from our Twitter feed, you help us grow.

I believe what we are doing with this message is making a positive difference in a lot of lives. I witness people changing the way they see themselves in the context of being someone’s teammate instead of just an individual every day.

The message is putting a dent in school bullying. It’s playing a role in reducing the opioid epidemic. And it is helping schools, organizations, companies, and teams everywhere become more efficient. We all benefit from these things happening.

Your follow, retweet, like, or share may seem like a small gesture to you, but it is important to us because it helps us navigate social media’s mysterious algorithms and extend the reach of our audience. The more likes, shares, and retweets we get, the more people we reach…the more lives we change.

So from the very, very bottom of my heart, thank you for helping us grow and please continue to share the message.

I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

As always, remember: Good teammates care. Good teammates share. Good teammates listen. Go be a good teammate.


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