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About Lance

Lance Loya helps driven leaders get their teams to understand the art of being a good teammate.

He is the founder and CEO of The Good Teammate Factory and the creator of National Be a Good Teammate Day (July 22nd). As a leading authority on team micro-dynamics, he specializes in getting individuals to shift into the We Gear and change their focus from me to we. Other experts concentrate on improving teamwork, but Lance concentrates on improving the mindset of the individual teammate. Lance’s method works!

A college basketball coach turned best-selling author, blogger, podcaster, and professional speaker, he is known for his enthusiastic personality and his passion for transforming teambusters into teammates.

Lance has authored ten books on the subject of being a good teammate. His books, keynotes, and seminars have inspired readers and audiences around the globe.

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How do teammates shift into the We Gear?

  • Acknowledge the existence of the Me Gear where everything is about you and for your own personal benefit.
  • Recognize the significance of Clutch moments before you shift gears and act on impulses.
  • Consider the ripple effect that your choices will have on your teammates prior to making decisions.
  • Understand the power of We and the idea that We is greater than Me.
  • Prioritize the various teams to which you belong, so you have the clarity to identify your true purpose.

What does it mean to be a teammate who’s A.L.I.V.E.?

  • Active—Be a person of action and have the courage to confront sources of toxicity.
  • Loyal—Stay away from cliques and honor your commitment to the team.
  • Invested—Build bonds by taking a genuine interest in what inspires the other members on your team.
  • Viral—Understand emotional contagion and master your body language so your energy spreads through the team.
  • Empathetic—Make an effort to understand the intent of the action and what it feels like to be your teammate.
click here to read Lance's 2021 reading list
Good teammates make being part of the team worthwhile! That’s why on July 22, National Be a Good Teammate Day recognizes the sacrifices, kindness, and generosity of these selfless individuals. LEARN MORE
click here to take the quiz

Are you a good teammate? Your team’s potential for achieving success is ultimately dependent upon your answer to this question. Take this FREE quiz to assess what kind of teammate you are. The results can be more revealing than you realize!

click here to take the quiz

The “work” within the work is teamwork! Check out Lance Loya’s WORK WITHIN THE WORK® program, a 45-minute assembly-style presentation to prepare high school and middle school students for the challenges of the workforce. LEARN MORE

Learn From A Course

Learn how to develop a team-first mindset. This interactive online course is designed to help teams gain greater insight into the art of being a good teammate. It is an ideal way to improve teamwork, reduce selfishness, and draw team members closer to together.

The Good Teammate Podcast

Prefer to listen instead of read? Explore the art of being a good teammate in these audio selections from Lance Loya’s popular Teammate Tuesday blog. You can also download past episodes and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.

Read the Latest Blogs

Super Teammates

Super Teammates

It’s Super Bowl week! This Sunday, the eyes of the world will be focused on Caesars Superdome in New Orleans for America’s biggest sporting event....

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Having a No Bull Attitude

Having a No Bull Attitude

When my time on Earth has passed, I’m not sure which is more likely to be engraved on my headstone: “Promotor of Good Teammates” or “Pursuer of Good...

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Near To vs. Here To

Near To vs. Here To

The difference between winning and losing is remarkably close in professional football. Over the past five years, the most common margin of victory...

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When Quitters Win

When Quitters Win

Did your New Year’s resolutions survive Quitter’s Day? Research from a 2019 study by Strava, a network for tracking physical exercise, showed that...

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Lance’s Reading List 2024

Lance’s Reading List 2024

I enjoy learning. Hence, I enjoy reading. As Oscar Wilde said, “It is what you read when you don't have to that determines who you will be when you...

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The Year in Review

The Year in Review

Another year has come and gone! The fruits of our labor have continued to bless us with a loyal online following. And I sincerely appreciate those...

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