
The Teammate Tuesday Blog

Welcome to the Teammate Tuesday blog—Lance Loya’s collection of good teammate musings. These short, insightful pieces offer a unique glimpse into the art of being a good teammate. They are sure to improve teamwork and inspire you to become a better version of yourself.

The Peanut Butter and Jelly Perspective

The Peanut Butter and Jelly Perspective

Today is National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day! Is there any more iconic pairing than Peanut Butter and Jelly? According to a survey by the Smucker’s Company, the average American will eat 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before graduating...

The Toddler and Tiger Viral Video

The Toddler and Tiger Viral Video

Social media can be the bane of my existence. I enjoy sharing insights and observations about the art of being a good teammate, but sometimes coming up with daily content can be challenging. Recently, I shared a video of an adorable little boy...

Pappy’s Service

Pappy’s Service

My wife’s grandfather, “Pappy,” passed away last week. He was 98 years old. A decorated World War II veteran, he epitomized everything great about the Greatest Generation. On his 90th birthday, he published a memoir titled Battle Tested: Street...

Holstering Your Trigger Words

Holstering Your Trigger Words

Do you have any trigger words? Most people do. These are words or phrases that provoke emotional reactions. Trigger words can inspire, but they can also inflame. They can be used to motivate, but they can also be used to manipulate. Effective...

Mercurial Teammates

Mercurial Teammates

Ever come across a new word and then seem to notice it everywhere over the next few days? Psychologists refer to this occurrence as the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. The term comes from a letter written to the St. Paul Pioneer Press in 1994,...

5 Ways Cupid Is a Good Teammate

5 Ways Cupid Is a Good Teammate

Happy Valentine’s Day Eve! According to the National Retail Foundation, Americans spent nearly $26 billion on Valentine's Day gifts last year. That averages out to about $193 per couple. (Does that seem high to you? It does to me.) The top...

Speaking With a Lack of Empathy

Speaking With a Lack of Empathy

A few days ago, I met a friend for lunch. While we were waiting on our order, my friend expressed frustration with the pastor at his church. When I pushed for specific details, he confided that the issue revolved around his pastor’s sermons. He...

When Enamorment Leads to Enablement

When Enamorment Leads to Enablement

Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote, a book many consider to be the first modern novel and one of the greatest literary works of all time, was published on this date in 1605. The 400-year-old classic follows the story of Alonso Quixano, a middle-aged...

Excuses, Explanations, & Misjustifications

Excuses, Explanations, & Misjustifications

The turning of the calendar brings with it the obligatory adoption of resolutions, goals, and guiding-word themes. Everybody approaches the new year differently. Some are more diligent with their approaches than others. In a previous edition of...

Lance’s Reading List 2023

Lance’s Reading List 2023

A while back, I started sharing a list on social media of the books I'd read over the past year. This gesture came in response to how often people asked about my reading habits. To be honest, sharing this information initially made me uncomfortable...

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