The “work” within the work is teamwork! The ability to collaborate, compromise, and work well with others is one of the most sought-after skills employers are looking for when hiring potential employees.

Lance Loya’s WORK WITHIN THE WORK® program is a 45-minute assembly-style presentation for high school and middle school students.

The program inspires students to think about their post-graduation career plans, while realizing that no matter what career path they choose, they will need to learn how to be good teammates.

Lance’s engaging style, coupled with his use of effective storytelling and humor, helps students understand that the technical skills learned in the classroom can get them hired, but keeping their job requires them to master “soft” skills like trustworthiness, dependability, trainability, and teamwork.

Program highlights include:

• How to handle conflict with coworkers

• How to deal with difficult/angry customers

• How to develop a plan, a back-up plan, and be adaptable

• How to be an employee who is A.L.I.V.E. (Active, Loyal, Invested, Viral, and Empathetic)

*To learn more about the WORK WITHIN THE WORK® program or to make arrangements to bring Lance to your school, contact info@coachloya.com. In-person and virtual options are available.

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