
The Good Teammate Podcast: Season 2

Prefer to listen instead of read? Explore the art of being a good teammate in these audio selections from Lance Loya’s popular Teammate Tuesday blog. You can also download past episodes and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.

Season 2

Season 2 | Episode 1

Pull the Rope

The Ringelmann Effect counters a popular sports cliché about commitment and effort.

Season 2 | Episode 2

Changing Your Emotional Sleeve

An awareness of emotional contagion allows good teammates to control their emotions.

Season 2 | Episode 3

12 Rules for Being a Good Teammate

Got rules? Adhering to these twelve rules can lead you to become a better teammate.

Season 2 | Episode 4

Superhero Powers

A radio survey about superhero powers reveals a hardened truth about good teammates.

Season 2 | Episode 5

Keep Your Ears Up

A Disney World employee mantra provides inspiration for dealing with difficult teammates.

Season 2 | Episode 6

My Brother’s Brother

The 1940s Boys Town slogan reminds teammates of the necessity to lookout for each other.

Season 2 | Episode 7

You Gotta Read the Book

A high school football team uses Lance’s children’s book to reinforce their team culture.

Season 2 | Episode 8

Sliding Into Apathy

Applying the principles pilots use to combat “Spatial D” can ward off team apathy.

Season 2 | Episode 9

Content to Be Uncomfortable

Good teammates eliminate jealousy by learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Season 2 | Episode 10

Deferred Impact

The Himalayan Lilly illustrates the challenges of waiting on the deferred return on our actions.

Season 2 | Episode 11

Act Within the Cube

Good teammates solve team problems by doing more than just thinking outside the box.

Season 2 | Episode 12

Contributing to the Mission

Good teammates eliminate jealousy by learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

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